Fraction to Percent Calculator

In many areas of science, engineering, business, and financial computations, as well as daily life, we come across percentages and fractional numbers. It is frequently necessary to convert fractions to percentages to compare ratios or rates quickly or to more effectively communicate those statistics. In such cases, a Fraction to Percent Calculator can be helpful.

\( \dfrac{A}{B} = C\% \) and \( C = ? \)

Since percentages are simply fractions with a denominator of 100, the mathematical process required to convert them is simple.

As can be seen, multiplying the result by 100 after dividing the numerator by the denominator is all that is required to convert between fractions and percentages. A fraction to percent converter will come in extremely handy, while this is easy to do with simple fractions, it can get challenging with more complicated ones.

Conversion of Fractions to Percentages

Since converting from fraction to percent and from percent to fraction requires only a few simple calculations, we hope you can quickly complete your conversions, saving you valuable time.

How to Convert a Fraction to a Percent

There are just two simple steps to convert a fraction to a percent.

Step One: Convert the Fraction to a Decimal Value

A fraction can be converted to a percent in just two easy steps. Put the fraction into decimal form. The fraction must first be changed to a decimal value. Simply dividing the numerator by the denominator will solve this problem.

In case you forgot, the denominator is the number that appears below the fraction bar and the numerator is the number that appears above it.

\( decimal = \dfrac{numerator}{denominator} \)

Step Two: Convert the Decimal to a Percentage

The figure is changed from decimal to percentage in the second stage. Add a percent sign (%) after the decimal to convert it to a percent by multiplying it by 100.

The fraction can be solved, multiplied by 100, and the result can then be converted to a percentage by appending the percent sign (%).


Example 1: There were 67 candidates who apply for a job, but only 33 candidates were selected. What will be the percentage of selection here?

\( = \dfrac{33}{67} × 100 \)

\( = \dfrac{3300}{67} \)

\( = 49.2537% \), the percentage of selection is 49.2537%.

Example 2: There is a total of 50 marks for each subject and Sara got 45 marks in English, 30 in Science, 40 in Maths, and 35 in Physics. What will be her percentage?

First, there are 4 subjects, and each has 50 total marks its mean sum of total marks will be \( 4 × 50 = 200 \)

And total marks which Sara got is \( 45 + 30 + 40 + 35 = 150 \) (The average percentage she received in each subject is 37.5, learn more about the average percentage.)

Now to find the percentage,

\( = \dfrac{150}{200} × 100 \)

\( = \dfrac{15000}{67} \)

\( = 75% \), Sara got 75% in exams.


How do you convert ratio to percentage?

  1. Write the ratio \( a : b \) first as a fraction of \( \frac{a}{b} \).
  2. To convert the fraction \( \frac{a}{b} \) into a percentage, multiply it by 100.
  3. The resultant value should then be multiplied by the percentage sign (%).

What is 1/4 as a percent?

\( \dfrac{1}{4^{th}}\) as a percent is 25%

Fraction Percent
\( \frac{1}{2} \) 50%
\( \frac{1}{3} \) 33.33%
\( \frac{2}{3} \) 66.67%
\( \frac{1}{4} \) 25%

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