Percentage of a percentage Calculator enables you to multiply % by % and obtain the result. To calculate a percentage of a percentage, divide both percentages by 100 and multiply them by 100.
A percentage is a ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. The percentage is commonly represented by the percent sign, %, or the abbreviation “pct.” The term “per cent” is derived from the Latin word “per centum,” which means “per hundred.” The percentage is sometimes written as two words in British English: “percentage” (although percentage and percentile are reported as one word).
Sometimes you have to find the percentage of a percentage, which can be difficult. For example, converting both to decimal form and multiplying them together yields the percent of a percent.
To convert each percentage to decimal form, divide it by 100. The result is obtained by multiplying the decimals together. To convert a decimal to a percentage, multiply the result by 100.
Use the following formula to calculate the percentage of a percentage:
Percentage of a percentage = \( (\dfrac{percent 1}{100} × \dfrac{percent 2}{100}) × 100 \)
Example 1: Find 25% of 60%.
We will start with the formula to calculate a percentage of a percentage which is:
\( P = (\dfrac{percent 1}{100} × \dfrac{percent 2}{100}) × 100 \)
Now, substitute the given values in the equation.
\( P = (\dfrac{25}{100} × \dfrac{60}{100}) × 100 \)
By simplifying them, we will get the following:
\( P = (0.25 × 0.6) × 100 = 0.15 × 100 = 15 \)
\( P = 15\% \)
Example 2: Find 50% of 40%
\( P = (\dfrac{50}{100} × \dfrac{40}{100}) × 100 \)
\( P = (0.50 × 0.40 ) × 100 = 0.20 × 100 = 20 \)
\( P = 20\% \)
How to calculate the percentage?
To calculate a percentage of a number, divide the number by the total value and multiply the result by 100.
\( (\dfrac{value}{total value}) 100\% \) is the formula for calculating the percentage.
How to convert the decimal number 3.25 to a percentage?
To convert 3.25 to a percentage, multiply 3.25 by 100. We will get \( 3.25 × 100 = 325\% \)
What Are Some Real-Life Percentage Examples?
The following are some real-world percentage examples:
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